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An author review: Jules Verne - Invention of Future

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Was the French author a prophet, a seer, or a time traveler? Years of speculation never seem to bear fruit, but these adjectives dedicated to him are not in vain. How could he have known about developing technology so far ahead of his time? His predictions in over 60 books he wrote throughout his 77-year life promised us far more than we can predict with today's technology. Submarines, helicopters, videoconferences...

Did Jules Verne see their discovery long ago, or were they discovered because Jules Verne wrote it?

Traveling around the world first, then deep into it, then leaving it and going to other planets, reaching the limits of existence through inexplicable methods. Jules Verne's perspective and imagination were so broad that they transcended time and became a source and inspiration for inventions.

Traveling around the world first, then deep into it, leaving it and going to other planets, reaching the limits of existence through inexplicable methods. Jules Verne's perspective and imagination were so broad that they transcended time and became a source and inspiration for inventions.

Simon Lake, one of the world's first submarine designers, has openly stated that Jules Verne inspired him. I wonder what the publishing houses of the time, which rejected some of his books because they were "too contrary to the facts," would think if they saw our day.

It was 1989 when Verne's younger grandson found an unpublished text. We are now in the twentieth century, and the text's title was Paris in the 20th century. In this text, some elements, such as skyscrapers and global communication, had been invented up to that date. Sad and tragicomic. This blog's author believes Jules Verne was watching us from somewhere to watch his inventions become a reality.

He was writing about helicopters while Verne's Nautilus explored the ocean's depths, and airplanes had yet to be invented.

He made the closest estimate to today's video conferences in an article he wrote in 1889. His story's capsules from Earth to the Moon were thought to be sent to specific points in space using a missile. The exciting part of the story is that, as Verne predicted, the first vehicles to land on the Moon were made of aluminum and carried three astronauts. Dozens of his predictions came true, including the hologram, guided missile, and electric chair.

Jules Verne significantly contributed to world literature, and science fiction entered the literary world because of him. He is best known for his books Around the World in Eighty Days, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and Journey to the Moon, among his most famous works.

Do such authors still exist today? Or have we, as technological victims, lost our imagination and foresight? Is everything now so predictable and not surprising to us? I'm curious how many people read Jules Verne instead of watching YouTube. We're busy filtering photos of the coffees we drink while he's getting lost in space. We count likes on the screens while he is flying in his Albatross. Since he is interested in exploring different geographies, we are interested in which landscape video will look better on social media. I hope you will read the rest; I'll leave you with the entry of 20,000 leagues under the sea.

The year 1866 was marked by a bizarre development, an unexplained and downright inexplicable phenomenon that surely no one has forgotten. Without getting into those rumors that upset civilians in the seaports and deranged the public mind even far inland, it must be said that professional seamen were especially alarmed. Traders, shipowners, captains of vessels, skippers, and master mariners from Europe and America, naval officers from every country, and at their heels, the various national governments on these two continents, were all extremely disturbed by the business.

In essence, several ships had encountered "an enormous thing" at sea, a long spindle-shaped object, sometimes giving off a phosphorescent glow, infinitely bigger and faster than any whale.

Bonus: ’Liberty is worth paying for.’’ Jules Verne

Travel, business, life hacks, and more.

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